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Current File : /var/www/html/hpsc/../informatica/images/sampledata/../../libraries/joomla/../joomla/form/field.php |
* @package Joomla.Platform
* @subpackage Form
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE
defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;
* Abstract Form Field class for the Joomla Platform.
* @since 11.1
abstract class JFormField
* The description text for the form field. Usually used in tooltips.
* @var string
* @since 11.1
protected $description;
* The hint text for the form field used to display hint inside the field.
* @var string
* @since 3.2
protected $hint;
* The autocomplete state for the form field. If 'off' element will not be automatically
* completed by browser.
* @var mixed
* @since 3.2
protected $autocomplete = 'on';
* The spellcheck state for the form field.
* @var boolean
* @since 3.2
protected $spellcheck = true;
* The autofocus request for the form field. If true element will be automatically
* focused on document load.
* @var boolean
* @since 3.2
protected $autofocus = false;
* The SimpleXMLElement object of the <field /> XML element that describes the form field.
* @var SimpleXMLElement
* @since 11.1
protected $element;
* The JForm object of the form attached to the form field.
* @var JForm
* @since 11.1
protected $form;
* The form control prefix for field names from the JForm object attached to the form field.
* @var string
* @since 11.1
protected $formControl;
* The hidden state for the form field.
* @var boolean
* @since 11.1
protected $hidden = false;
* True to translate the field label string.
* @var boolean
* @since 11.1
protected $translateLabel = true;
* True to translate the field description string.
* @var boolean
* @since 11.1
protected $translateDescription = true;
* True to translate the field hint string.
* @var boolean
* @since 3.2
protected $translateHint = true;
* The document id for the form field.
* @var string
* @since 11.1
protected $id;
* The input for the form field.
* @var string
* @since 11.1
protected $input;
* The label for the form field.
* @var string
* @since 11.1
protected $label;
* The multiple state for the form field. If true then multiple values are allowed for the
* field. Most often used for list field types.
* @var boolean
* @since 11.1
protected $multiple = false;
* Allows extensions to create repeat elements
* @var mixed
* @since 3.2
public $repeat = false;
* The pattern (Reg Ex) of value of the form field.
* @var string
* @since 11.1
protected $pattern;
* The name of the form field.
* @var string
* @since 11.1
protected $name;
* The name of the field.
* @var string
* @since 11.1
protected $fieldname;
* The group of the field.
* @var string
* @since 11.1
protected $group;
* The required state for the form field. If true then there must be a value for the field to
* be considered valid.
* @var boolean
* @since 11.1
protected $required = false;
* The disabled state for the form field. If true then the field will be disabled and user can't
* interact with the field.
* @var boolean
* @since 3.2
protected $disabled = false;
* The readonly state for the form field. If true then the field will be readonly.
* @var boolean
* @since 3.2
protected $readonly = false;
* The form field type.
* @var string
* @since 11.1
protected $type;
* The validation method for the form field. This value will determine which method is used
* to validate the value for a field.
* @var string
* @since 11.1
protected $validate;
* The value of the form field.
* @var mixed
* @since 11.1
protected $value;
* The default value of the form field.
* @var mixed
* @since 11.1
protected $default;
* The size of the form field.
* @var integer
* @since 3.2
protected $size;
* The class of the form field
* @var mixed
* @since 3.2
protected $class;
* The label's CSS class of the form field
* @var mixed
* @since 11.1
protected $labelclass;
* The javascript onchange of the form field.
* @var string
* @since 3.2
protected $onchange;
* The javascript onclick of the form field.
* @var string
* @since 3.2
protected $onclick;
* The count value for generated name field
* @var integer
* @since 11.1
protected static $count = 0;
* The string used for generated fields names
* @var string
* @since 11.1
protected static $generated_fieldname = '__field';
* Layout to render the form field
* @var string
protected $renderLayout = 'joomla.form.renderfield';
* Layout to render the label
* @var string
protected $renderLabelLayout = 'joomla.form.renderlabel';
* Method to instantiate the form field object.
* @param JForm $form The form to attach to the form field object.
* @since 11.1
public function __construct($form = null)
// If there is a form passed into the constructor set the form and form control properties.
if ($form instanceof JForm)
$this->form = $form;
$this->formControl = $form->getFormControl();
// Detect the field type if not set
if (!isset($this->type))
$parts = JStringNormalise::fromCamelCase(get_called_class(), true);
if ($parts[0] == 'J')
$this->type = JString::ucfirst($parts[count($parts) - 1], '_');
$this->type = JString::ucfirst($parts[0], '_') . JString::ucfirst($parts[count($parts) - 1], '_');
* Method to get certain otherwise inaccessible properties from the form field object.
* @param string $name The property name for which to the the value.
* @return mixed The property value or null.
* @since 11.1
public function __get($name)
switch ($name)
case 'description':
case 'hint':
case 'formControl':
case 'hidden':
case 'id':
case 'multiple':
case 'name':
case 'required':
case 'type':
case 'validate':
case 'value':
case 'class':
case 'labelclass':
case 'size':
case 'onchange':
case 'onclick':
case 'fieldname':
case 'group':
case 'disabled':
case 'readonly':
case 'autofocus':
case 'autocomplete':
case 'spellcheck':
return $this->$name;
case 'input':
// If the input hasn't yet been generated, generate it.
if (empty($this->input))
$this->input = $this->getInput();
return $this->input;
case 'label':
// If the label hasn't yet been generated, generate it.
if (empty($this->label))
$this->label = $this->getLabel();
return $this->label;
case 'title':
return $this->getTitle();
return null;
* Method to set certain otherwise inaccessible properties of the form field object.
* @param string $name The property name for which to the the value.
* @param mixed $value The value of the property.
* @return void
* @since 3.2
public function __set($name, $value)
switch ($name)
case 'class':
// Removes spaces from left & right and extra spaces from middle
$value = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', trim((string) $value));
case 'description':
case 'hint':
case 'value':
case 'labelclass':
case 'onchange':
case 'onclick':
case 'validate':
case 'pattern':
case 'group':
case 'default':
$this->$name = (string) $value;
case 'id':
$this->id = $this->getId((string) $value, $this->fieldname);
case 'fieldname':
$this->fieldname = $this->getFieldName((string) $value);
case 'name':
$this->fieldname = $this->getFieldName((string) $value);
$this->name = $this->getName($this->fieldname);
case 'multiple':
// Allow for field classes to force the multiple values option.
$value = (string) $value;
$value = $value === '' && isset($this->forceMultiple) ? (string) $this->forceMultiple : $value;
case 'required':
case 'disabled':
case 'readonly':
case 'autofocus':
case 'hidden':
$value = (string) $value;
$this->$name = ($value === 'true' || $value === $name || $value === '1');
case 'autocomplete':
$value = (string) $value;
$value = ($value == 'on' || $value == '') ? 'on' : $value;
$this->$name = ($value === 'false' || $value === 'off' || $value === '0') ? false : $value;
case 'spellcheck':
case 'translateLabel':
case 'translateDescription':
case 'translateHint':
$value = (string) $value;
$this->$name = !($value === 'false' || $value === 'off' || $value === '0');
case 'translate_label':
$value = (string) $value;
$this->translateLabel = $this->translateLabel && !($value === 'false' || $value === 'off' || $value === '0');
case 'translate_description':
$value = (string) $value;
$this->translateDescription = $this->translateDescription && !($value === 'false' || $value === 'off' || $value === '0');
case 'size':
$this->$name = (int) $value;
if (property_exists(__CLASS__, $name))
JLog::add("Cannot access protected / private property $name of " . __CLASS__);
$this->$name = $value;
* Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
* @param JForm $form The JForm object to attach to the form field.
* @return JFormField The form field object so that the method can be used in a chain.
* @since 11.1
public function setForm(JForm $form)
$this->form = $form;
$this->formControl = $form->getFormControl();
return $this;
* Method to attach a JForm object to the field.
* @param SimpleXMLElement $element The SimpleXMLElement object representing the <field /> tag for the form field object.
* @param mixed $value The form field value to validate.
* @param string $group The field name group control value. This acts as as an array container for the field.
* For example if the field has name="foo" and the group value is set to "bar" then the
* full field name would end up being "bar[foo]".
* @return boolean True on success.
* @since 11.1
public function setup(SimpleXMLElement $element, $value, $group = null)
// Make sure there is a valid JFormField XML element.
if ((string) $element->getName() != 'field')
return false;
// Reset the input and label values.
$this->input = null;
$this->label = null;
// Set the XML element object.
$this->element = $element;
// Set the group of the field.
$this->group = $group;
$attributes = array(
'multiple', 'name', 'id', 'hint', 'class', 'description', 'labelclass', 'onchange',
'onclick', 'validate', 'pattern', 'default', 'required',
'disabled', 'readonly', 'autofocus', 'hidden', 'autocomplete', 'spellcheck',
'translateHint', 'translateLabel','translate_label', 'translateDescription',
'translate_description' ,'size');
$this->default = isset($element['value']) ? (string) $element['value'] : $this->default;
// Set the field default value.
$this->value = $value;
foreach ($attributes as $attributeName)
$this->__set($attributeName, $element[$attributeName]);
// Allow for repeatable elements
$repeat = (string) $element['repeat'];
$this->repeat = ($repeat == 'true' || $repeat == 'multiple' || (!empty($this->form->repeat) && $this->form->repeat == 1));
// Set the visibility.
$this->hidden = ($this->hidden || (string) $element['type'] == 'hidden');
// Add required to class list if field is required.
if ($this->required)
$this->class = trim($this->class . ' required');
return true;
* Simple method to set the value
* @param mixed $value Value to set
* @return void
* @since 3.2
public function setValue($value)
$this->value = $value;
* Method to get the id used for the field input tag.
* @param string $fieldId The field element id.
* @param string $fieldName The field element name.
* @return string The id to be used for the field input tag.
* @since 11.1
protected function getId($fieldId, $fieldName)
$id = '';
// If there is a form control set for the attached form add it first.
if ($this->formControl)
$id .= $this->formControl;
// If the field is in a group add the group control to the field id.
if ($this->group)
// If we already have an id segment add the group control as another level.
if ($id)
$id .= '_' . str_replace('.', '_', $this->group);
$id .= str_replace('.', '_', $this->group);
// If we already have an id segment add the field id/name as another level.
if ($id)
$id .= '_' . ($fieldId ? $fieldId : $fieldName);
$id .= ($fieldId ? $fieldId : $fieldName);
// Clean up any invalid characters.
$id = preg_replace('#\W#', '_', $id);
// If this is a repeatable element, add the repeat count to the ID
if ($this->repeat)
$repeatCounter = empty($this->form->repeatCounter) ? 0 : $this->form->repeatCounter;
$id .= '-' . $repeatCounter;
if (strtolower($this->type) == 'radio')
$id .= '-';
return $id;
* Method to get the field input markup.
* @return string The field input markup.
* @since 11.1
abstract protected function getInput();
* Method to get the field title.
* @return string The field title.
* @since 11.1
protected function getTitle()
$title = '';
if ($this->hidden)
return $title;
// Get the label text from the XML element, defaulting to the element name.
$title = $this->element['label'] ? (string) $this->element['label'] : (string) $this->element['name'];
$title = $this->translateLabel ? JText::_($title) : $title;
return $title;
* Method to get the field label markup.
* @return string The field label markup.
* @since 11.1
protected function getLabel()
if ($this->hidden)
return '';
// Get the label text from the XML element, defaulting to the element name.
$text = $this->element['label'] ? (string) $this->element['label'] : (string) $this->element['name'];
$text = $this->translateLabel ? JText::_($text) : $text;
// Forcing the Alias field to display the tip below
$position = $this->element['name'] == 'alias' ? ' data-placement="bottom" ' : '';
$description = ($this->translateDescription && !empty($this->description)) ? JText::_($this->description) : $this->description;
$displayData = array(
'text' => $text,
'description' => $description,
'for' => $this->id,
'required' => (bool) $this->required,
'classes' => explode(' ', $this->labelclass),
'position' => $position
return JLayoutHelper::render($this->renderLabelLayout, $displayData);
* Method to get the name used for the field input tag.
* @param string $fieldName The field element name.
* @return string The name to be used for the field input tag.
* @since 11.1
protected function getName($fieldName)
// To support repeated element, extensions can set this in plugin->onRenderSettings
$repeatCounter = empty($this->form->repeatCounter) ? 0 : $this->form->repeatCounter;
$name = '';
// If there is a form control set for the attached form add it first.
if ($this->formControl)
$name .= $this->formControl;
// If the field is in a group add the group control to the field name.
if ($this->group)
// If we already have a name segment add the group control as another level.
$groups = explode('.', $this->group);
if ($name)
foreach ($groups as $group)
$name .= '[' . $group . ']';
$name .= array_shift($groups);
foreach ($groups as $group)
$name .= '[' . $group . ']';
// If we already have a name segment add the field name as another level.
if ($name)
$name .= '[' . $fieldName . ']';
$name .= $fieldName;
// If the field should support multiple values add the final array segment.
if ($this->multiple)
switch (strtolower((string) $this->element['type']))
case 'text':
case 'textarea':
case 'email':
case 'password':
case 'radio':
case 'calendar':
case 'editor':
case 'hidden':
$name .= '[]';
return $name;
* Method to get the field name used.
* @param string $fieldName The field element name.
* @return string The field name
* @since 11.1
protected function getFieldName($fieldName)
if ($fieldName)
return $fieldName;
self::$count = self::$count + 1;
return self::$generated_fieldname . self::$count;
* Method to get an attribute of the field
* @param string $name Name of the attribute to get
* @param mixed $default Optional value to return if attribute not found
* @return mixed Value of the attribute / default
* @since 3.2
public function getAttribute($name, $default = null)
if ($this->element instanceof SimpleXMLElement)
$attributes = $this->element->attributes();
// Ensure that the attribute exists
if (property_exists($attributes, $name))
$value = $attributes->$name;
if ($value !== null)
return (string) $value;
return $default;
* Method to get a control group with label and input.
* @return string A string containing the html for the control group
* @since 3.2
* @deprecated 3.2.3 Use renderField() instead
public function getControlGroup()
JLog::add('JFormField->getControlGroup() is deprecated use JFormField->renderField().', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated');
return $this->renderField();
* Method to get a control group with label and input.
* @param array $options Options to be passed into the rendering of the field
* @return string A string containing the html for the control group
* @since 3.2
public function renderField($options = array())
if ($this->hidden)
return $this->getInput();
if (!isset($options['class']))
$options['class'] = '';
$options['rel'] = '';
if (empty($options['hiddenLabel']) && $this->getAttribute('hiddenLabel'))
$options['hiddenLabel'] = true;
if ($showon = $this->getAttribute('showon'))
$showon = explode(':', $showon, 2);
$options['class'] .= ' showon_' . implode(' showon_', explode(',', $showon[1]));
$id = $this->getName($showon[0]);
$id = $this->multiple ? str_replace('[]', '', $id) : $id;
$options['rel'] = ' rel="showon_' . $id . '"';
$options['showonEnabled'] = true;
return JLayoutHelper::render($this->renderLayout, array('input' => $this->getInput(), 'label' => $this->getLabel(), 'options' => $options));
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