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Current File : /var/www/html/hpsc/../informatica/libraries/joomla/client/../../../libraries/cms/helper/route.php
* @package Joomla.Libraries
* @subpackage Helper
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
* @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt
defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;
* Route Helper
* A class providing basic routing for urls that are for content types found in
* the #__content_types table and rows found in the #__ucm_content table.
* @since 3.1
class JHelperRoute
* @var array Holds the reverse lookup
* @since 3.1
protected static $lookup;
* @var string Option for the extension (such as com_content)
* @since 3.1
protected $extension;
* @var string Value of the primary key in the content type table
* @since 3.1
protected $id;
* @var string Name of the view for the url
* @since 3.1
protected $view;
* A method to get the route for a specific item
* @param integer $id Value of the primary key for the item in its content table
* @param string $typealias The type_alias for the item being routed. Of the form extension.view.
* @param string $link The link to be routed
* @param string $language The language of the content for multilingual sites
* @param integer $catid Optional category id
* @return string The route of the item
* @since 3.1
public function getRoute($id, $typealias, $link = '', $language = null, $catid = null)
$typeExploded = explode('.', $typealias);
if (isset($typeExploded[1]))
$this->view = $typeExploded[1];
$this->extension = $typeExploded[0];
$this->view = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getString('view');
$this->extension = JFactory::getApplication()->input->getCmd('option');
$name = ucfirst(substr_replace($this->extension, '', 0, 4));
$needles = array();
if (isset($this->view))
$needles[$this->view] = array((int) $id);
if (empty($link))
// Create the link
$link = 'index.php?option=' . $this->extension . '&view=' . $this->view . '&id=' . $id;
if ($catid > 1)
$categories = JCategories::getInstance($name);
if ($categories)
$category = $categories->get((int) $catid);
if ($category)
$needles['category'] = array_reverse($category->getPath());
$needles['categories'] = $needles['category'];
$link .= '&catid=' . $catid;
// Deal with languages only if needed
if (!empty($language) && $language != '*' && JLanguageMultilang::isEnabled())
$link .= '&lang=' . $language;
$needles['language'] = $language;
if ($item = $this->findItem($needles))
$link .= '&Itemid=' . $item;
return $link;
* Method to find the item in the menu structure
* @param array $needles Array of lookup values
* @return mixed
* @since 3.1
protected function findItem($needles = array())
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$menus = $app->getMenu('site');
$language = isset($needles['language']) ? $needles['language'] : '*';
// $this->extension may not be set if coming from a static method, check it
if (is_null($this->extension))
$this->extension = $app->input->getCmd('option');
// Prepare the reverse lookup array.
if (!isset(static::$lookup[$language]))
static::$lookup[$language] = array();
$component = JComponentHelper::getComponent($this->extension);
$attributes = array('component_id');
$values = array($component->id);
if ($language != '*')
$attributes[] = 'language';
$values[] = array($needles['language'], '*');
$items = $menus->getItems($attributes, $values);
foreach ($items as $item)
if (isset($item->query) && isset($item->query['view']))
$view = $item->query['view'];
if (!isset(static::$lookup[$language][$view]))
static::$lookup[$language][$view] = array();
if (isset($item->query['id']))
if (is_array($item->query['id']))
$item->query['id'] = $item->query['id'][0];
* Here it will become a bit tricky
* $language != * can override existing entries
* $language == * cannot override existing entries
if (!isset(static::$lookup[$language][$view][$item->query['id']]) || $item->language != '*')
static::$lookup[$language][$view][$item->query['id']] = $item->id;
if ($needles)
foreach ($needles as $view => $ids)
if (isset(static::$lookup[$language][$view]))
foreach ($ids as $id)
if (isset(static::$lookup[$language][$view][(int) $id]))
return static::$lookup[$language][$view][(int) $id];
$active = $menus->getActive();
if ($active && $active->component == $this->extension && ($active->language == '*' || !JLanguageMultilang::isEnabled()))
return $active->id;
// If not found, return language specific home link
$default = $menus->getDefault($language);
return !empty($default->id) ? $default->id : null;
* Fetches the category route
* @param mixed $catid Category ID or JCategoryNode instance
* @param mixed $language Language code
* @param string $extension Extension to lookup
* @return string
* @since 3.2
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
public static function getCategoryRoute($catid, $language = 0, $extension = '')
// Note: $extension is required but has to be an optional argument in the function call due to argument order
if (empty($extension))
throw new InvalidArgumentException('$extension is a required argument in JHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute');
if ($catid instanceof JCategoryNode)
$id = $catid->id;
$category = $catid;
$extensionName = ucfirst(substr($extension, 4));
$id = (int) $catid;
$category = JCategories::getInstance($extensionName)->get($id);
if ($id < 1)
$link = '';
$link = 'index.php?option=' . $extension . '&view=category&id=' . $id;
$needles = array(
'category' => array($id)
if ($language && $language != '*' && JLanguageMultilang::isEnabled())
$link .= '&lang=' . $language;
$needles['language'] = $language;
// Create the link
if ($category)
$catids = array_reverse($category->getPath());
$needles['category'] = $catids;
$needles['categories'] = $catids;
if ($item = static::lookupItem($needles))
$link .= '&Itemid=' . $item;
return $link;
* Static alias to findItem() used to find the item in the menu structure
* @param array $needles Array of lookup values
* @return mixed
* @since 3.2
protected static function lookupItem($needles = array())
$instance = new static;
return $instance->findItem($needles);
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