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Current File : /var/www/html/hpsc/download/../../cvprlab/research/../../antarctic-drupal-7.89/sites/all/modules/i18n/../popup/modules/../popup.module

 * Implementation of hook_init
 * Adds popup Script, settings and Style
function popup_init(){

  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'popup');

    $path . '/popup.js',
    array('preprocess' => variable_get('popup-preprocess', FALSE))
  drupal_add_css($path . '/popup.css',
    array('preprocess' => variable_get('popup-preprocess', FALSE))

  $effects = module_invoke_all('popup_effects');
      'popup' => array(
        'effects' => $effects,
        'linger' => variable_get('popup-hover-linger', 250),
        'delay' => variable_get('popup-hover-delay', 0)


 * Implementation of hook_popup_effects
 * This hook allows modules to supply Javascript methods for showing/hiding
 * popups.
 * @return a keyed array
 * in the form:
 * array(
 *   'show' => array(
 *     'effect-name' => 'javascript to show the popup',
 *     ...
 *   ),
 *   'hide' => array(
 *     'effect-name' => 'javascript to hide the popup'
 *     ...
 *   ),
 *  );
 * The Javascript is executed within the context of the PopupElement wrapper
 * ojbect. The following properties are available as JQuery objects:
 *  element:  The popup element wrapper
 *  title:    the title element of the popup
 *  body:     the body element of the popup. Keep in mind that the body is no
 *            longer contained within the popup element wrapper, but within its
 *            own wrapper within the #popup-active-overlay element at the end
 *            of the HTML body.
 *  wrapper:  Wrapper of the popup element body. This has the same id as the
 *            popup element, with "-active" appended.
 *  origin:   Invisible div element prepended to the element wrapper, to
 *            establish the popup top/left offset in relation to the document.
function popup_popup_effects(){
  return array(

    'show' => array(

      'default' => "this.body.show();",

      'fade' => "
        if (this.opacity){

      'slide-down' => "this.body.slideDown('medium')",

      'slide-down-fade' => "
            opacity:(this.opacity ? this.opacity : 'show')
          }, 'medium'


    'hide' => array(

      'default' => "this.body.hide();",

      'fade' => "this.body.fadeOut('medium');",

      'slide-down' => "this.body.slideUp('medium');",

      'slide-down-fade' => "
          }, 'medium'



 * Implementation of hook_menu
function popup_menu(){

  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'popup');

  return array(

    'admin/config/user-interface/popup' => array(
      'access arguments' => array('administer popup elements'),
      'description' => t('Configure popup element behavior and default presentation.'),
      'file' => 'popup.admin.inc',
      'file path' => $path . '/includes',
      'page arguments' => array('popup_admin_settings'),
      'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
      'title' => 'Popup elements',
      'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,

    'ahah/popup' => array(
      'access arguments' => array('access content'),
      'file' => 'popup.util.inc',
      'file path' => $path . '/includes',
      'page callback' => 'popup_get_ahah',
      'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,


 * Implementation of hook_permission
function popup_permission(){
  return array(
    'administer popup elements' => array(
      'title' => t('Administer popup elements'),
      'description' => t('Configure popup element behavior and default presentation.'),

 * Implementation of hook_theme
function popup_theme(){

  module_load_include('inc', 'popup', 'includes/popup.theme');
  module_load_include('inc', 'popup', 'includes/popup.util');

  $styles = _popup_styles();
  $theme = _popup_theme_array();

  foreach($styles as $style => $path){
    $theme += _popup_theme_array(_popup_title_to_key($style), $path);

  $theme += array(
    'popup_ahah_placeholder' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'type' => '',
        'attributes' => array(),
      'file' => 'includes/popup.theme.inc',

  return $theme;

 * Implementation of hook_popup_styles
 * This hook allows modules to provide popup display styles. Note that the
 * templates of these styles cannot be overridden by the theme.
 * @return a keyed array
 * in the form:
 * array(
 *  'Style name 1' => 'path/to/style-1',
 *  'Style label 2' => 'path/to/style-2',
 *  ...
 * )
 * For style-1 the following files must exist in the path/to/style-1 directory:
 *   popup-element-body.tpl.php
 *   popup-element-title.tpl.php
 *   popup-element.tpl.php
 * For style-1 the following files may exist in the path/to/style-1 directory,
 * and will be included if present:
 *   popup-element.css
 *   popup-element.js
function popup_popup_styles(){

  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'popup') . '/styles';

  return array(
    'McPopup' => $path . '/McPopup',
    'Bent white' => $path . '/bent_white',
    'Black' => $path . '/black',
    'Obsidian' => $path . '/obsidian',
    'White' => $path . '/white',

 * Implementation of hook_popup_attributes_alter to provide defaults
function popup_popup_attributes_alter(&$attributes){

  module_load_include('inc', 'popup', 'includes/popup.util');

  $defaults = _popup_defaults();

  $attributes = array_merge(

/* ---- Preprocessors ---- */

 * Popup element preprocessor
 * Adds CSS of the selected style
function popup_preprocess_popup_element(&$variables){

  module_load_include('inc', 'popup', 'includes/popup.util');

  $styles = _popup_styles();
  $style = isset($variables['style']) && $variables['style']
    ? $variables['style']
    : variable_get('popup-style', 'White');
  $path = isset($styles[$style]) ? $styles[$style] : NULL;

  $variables['classes_array'] = array();
  $variables['attributes_array'] = array();
  $variables['title_attributes_array'] = array();
  $variables['content_attributes_array'] = array();

  if (isset($path)) {
    if (file_exists($path . '/popup-element.css')) {
        $path . '/popup-element.css',
          'media' => 'screen, projection',
          'preprocess' => variable_get('popup-preprocess', FALSE),
          'basename' => _popup_title_to_key($style) . '.popup-element.css',

    if (file_exists($path . '/popup-element.js')){
        $path . '/popup-element.js',
          'scope' => 'header',
          'preprocess' => variable_get('popup-preprocess', FALSE),

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